Speaking & Workshops

Passion Test Workshop or Teleclass
Discover What’s Most Important to You and How to Live Your Passions

Are you feeling stuck and dissatisfied with your life? If so, it’s likely that you’re not living your true passions. Based on the bestselling book The Passion Test by Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood, this workshop helps you to uncover your passions and take action to live a more passionate life. You’ll discover…

  • Clarity about what is most important to you in life
  • Your passions, which are clues to your personal destiny
  • The Passion Test Formula for creating what you want
  • How to begin living your passions immediately
  • The secret to guarantee a passionate life 

The Passion Test Workshop creates profound personal changes and improves life in a significant way by showing you how to increase your joy and fulfillment by living your purpose and passion.

The Passion Test Workshop length is 3 hours.


How Much Joy Can You Stand? Workshop or Teleclass
Take Concrete Action to Make Your Dream a Reality

Has fear been holding you back from pursuing your creative dreams, leaving you feeling stuck and dissatisfied? The How Much Joy Can You Stand? Workshop reveals just what it takes to face those old fears and take action. You’ll discover… 

  • How to combat the fears that have always kept you stuck
  • An unexpected source of wisdom for your dream
  • What every successful dreamer already has
  • Truths that will help you stick with your dream no matter what
  • New sources of support and inspiration

The workshop offers hands-on activities, thought-provoking exercises, and practical tips and tools to help you move forward on your creative dream.

The How Much Joy Can You Stand? Workshop length is 3 hours or a full day.


Living Your Joy Workshop, Teleclass, or Retreat
How to Create the Time, Money, & Energy to Live Your Creative Dreams

Do you have creative dreams you never seem to get to? The Living Your Joy Workshop is for you. Its purpose is to provide tools that help you create pockets of time for your dream, unexpected sources of income, and plenty of energy so you can live your joy … even if you have a full-time job. You’ll discover… 

  • An unexpected chunk of time everyone has
  • How to set your job up to support your dream
  • Your Soul Purpose in life … and how to live it
  • An unexpected source of dream income right in your basement or attic
  • How to set up your dream as a business
  • Secrets of managing your energy so you have more

The workshop is dedicated to you and living your purpose and passion in life. Whether you’re toying with an idea or halfway to your destination, this workshop will leave you inspired and ready for action.

The Living Your Joy Workshop length is a full day. The retreat is a weekend event.


If you’re interested in booking a workshop or speaking date, I invite you to contact me at 512.699.4286 or info@LifesWorkInspired.com


Lynne Etheredge


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